Water Rescue
CSI International  l  1128 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Ste. 230  l  Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411  l  Phone 561.790.4722  l  Fax 561.790-1398

Water rescue incidents generally occur because victims either knowingly enter the water or otherwise find themselves in water and unable to remove themselves. Water rescue operations present a significant danger to fire department personnel. The safe and effective management of these types of operations require basic to very specialized considerations.

CSI trains personnel for a wide range of clients from governmental agencies, airports, marinas and resorts. Our Water Rescue program is a stand alone program and covers everything from 1st Responders to recovery. We provide training on site, in country using your existing equipment or we can provide equipment to fit any budget. Our training is taught to U.S. certification standards.
Open Water Training Exercise
1st Response and Life Saving training in progress
Group of Water Rescue trainees