CSI Canines
CSI International  l  1128 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Ste. 230  l  Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411  l  Phone 561.790.4722  l  Fax 561.790-1398

In today’s world drug trafficker’s use sophisticated methods to conceal and transport a wide array of illegal contraband.

CSI International Narcotic detection dogs offer a solution like no other tool in the location of such contraband. In an effort to assist agencies in the Caribbean, Central & South America, we train our narcotic detection canines to be intense at locating the source of these odors. These detector canines are highly motivated dogs that clearly demonstrate a strong and positive indication.

Our services are used by airports, seaports, cruise lines, law enforcement agencies, cargo shippers and more. All of CSI’s training for handlers and canines is conducted on site, in country in a real world environment.

"Nissan & Ados" on a Trinidad seizure
"Reno" on a vehicle stop in Bahamas
Cruise ship gangway check