CSI International was founded in 1986 by Mr. Anthony J. Piegaro, after an 18 year career
in Law Enforcement.

With his law enforcement background in undercover narcotics, multiple task forces, K-9 and explosives detection units, Mr. Piegaro saw the demand for Narcotic Detection in the  private sector Maritime Shipping Industry.  CSI is one of the first private independent companies approved by the U.S. Customs Service Super Carrier Initiative Agreement Program.  This SCIA program was developed to create a working relationship between the major maritime shipping companies and the U.S. Customs Service.  CSI played a major role in assisting major cargo carriers in the prevention of narcotic smuggling via their conveyances.

For several years, CSI traveled throughout the U.S., Central America and the Caribbean on behalf of its maritime shipping clients.  The successful outcome of the SCIA program brought CSI International to the attention of the U.S. State Department Law Enforcement Affairs Section as well as the Narcotic Affairs Section.  Acknowledgement by these two U.S. State Department Agencies  allowed CSI to expand to be one on the largest suppliers of detection canines for the U.S. State Department in Central America and the Caribbean. 

CSI continued its growth by the development of additional Law Enforcement programs.  These include; Bomb Technician training, Canine and Handler training, Canine Academy Development, SWAT training, as well as Project Management.  After the successful development of Law Enforcement programs,  CSI entered into the new realm of Emergency Services.
In 2004, CSI International introduced CSI Emergency Services.  In this new venue, CSI addressed the needs of certified Emergency Fire Rescue personnel  throughout the Caribbean, Central and South America regions.  Utilizing United States standards and CSI's commitment of  excellence the  New Emergency Response Program unfolded.

In focusing its sights on the New Emergency Services Programs, CSI  added Airport Firefighting, Structural  Firefighting, First Responder EMT, Water Rescue and Executive Protection.

CSI International utilizes time tested and proven programs. Our motto and promise, No Nonsense, No Excuses and Get the Job Done, allows us to maintain pride in our Successes, positive attitude as well as always delivering results on time and within the clients budget.
The level of CSI's expertise is  supported by the number of commendation letters received from private industry and government clients .
The CSI Vision
CSI International  l  1128 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Ste. 230  l  Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411  l  Phone 561.790.4722  l  Fax 561.790-1398