CSI Canines
CSI International  l  1128 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Ste. 230  l  Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411  l  Phone 561.790.4722  l  Fax 561.790-1398

Petrol & Gas Leak Detection Canines are able to detect Petrol and other types of gas such as propane or natural gas buried in ground or otherwise with pinpoint accuracy. They are used by a wide variety of government agencies, industry and private sector.

CSI International offers a complete and comprehensive solution for your Petrol & Gas Leak Detection Canine program, providing canines, training & certifications for both canines & handlers. We provide on site/ in country training eliminating the need and expense for travel to the U.S.

"Strike" has located a leak
"Hunter" sniffing for a gas leak