CSI International  l  1128 Royal Palm Beach Blvd. Ste. 230  l  Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411  l  Phone 561.790.4722  l  Fax 561.790-1398

Airport Firefighting is unlike any other form of firefighting. In the event a crash occurs a firefighter faces the potential of up to 400 passengers which are trapped inside an aircraft. Without a doubt this could be the most intense call a firefighter could ever receive.

Certain standards are required for Airport Fire Services based on the category of the airport, the largest being a Cat-9. These standards include but are not limited to the number of fire appliances, crew numbers, firefighter training and certification, foam and extinguishing agents, amount of water, required rescue equipment, access routes to crash site, and extra available water supplies.

Airport Fire Service is required to validate that the minimum required standard is met or exceeded at all times otherwise it may become necessary to divert aircraft to a nearby airport capable of providing fire rescue service relative to the aircraft size.

The primary goal of Airport Fire Service is the protection of life. The protection of aircraft, vehicles & equipment and buildings comes secondary.

As you might imagine the task of establishing an airport fire service complete with initial training, advanced training and continuous recertification training is massive. CSI International offers this  training program throughout the Caribbean, Central & South America. Our program is conducted on site/ in country and is comprehensive, detailed and rigorous. It also includes the required certifications for students successfully graduating.
Rigorous, real world training
Training how to use ARFF Trucks
Live fire training exercise